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Disadvantages or Drawbacks of React-native

Despite its maturity, React Native still lacks some components. Others, in turn, are underdeveloped. The chances are you won’t have a problem with that, as the majority of custom modules you need are available, well-documented, and working properly. However, it might happen that you will have to build your solution from scratch or try to hack an existing one. When developing your custom modules, you could end up with three codebases (RN, Android, and iOS) for a component instead of only one. In each of those codebases, there can be differences in behaviour and appearance. Fortunately, those situations don’t come about often.
Implementing some native features and modules necessitates having detailed knowledge of a particular platform. The lack of out-of-the-box support for many native app functionalities (e.g. camera, push notifications) used to be a significant issue with React Native development. As the community grows, more and more open-source libraries provide easy access to native platform features. Nevertheless, the implementation of some more advanced features might still require help from iOS and Android developers. Their input depends on the complexity of your project, but you need to bargain for them when kicking off with React Native. This might be an issue for small teams, in which developers don’t have any native mobile experience. Fortunately, we have plenty of Android and iOS developers at Netguru who can help in RN projects.
The React native community is young so the available documentation is poor, especially for integration with additional tools.The number of third-party components is still limited. 
We can’t know for sure that community-built modules will be supported by the next releases of the framework. It remains a disadvantage, because React Native doesn’t offer a wide spectrum of possible features that developers may want to implement in their apps.


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