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React-native vs Ionic

React-native Introduction:-

React Native is a robust hybrid or cross-platform development framework that enables the empowerment of React code with native platform capabilities. It runs as a background process on a user's device and interacts with the device's native components via bridging.

Platform's key purpose is to build an app as close to native as possible while utilizing a majority of the same codebase for different platforms: Android and iOS. React knowledge is mandatory to build a React Native app. Also, the development of some specific functionality requires the usage of native code (Java or Kotlin for Android, Swift, or Objective C for iOS). However, this is rather rare, and in most cases, React Native knowledge is enough to launch an app. 

Advantages of React Native

  • Uses JavaScript regardless of the platform.
    React Native allows you to write code in JavaScript – the world's most popular programming language. Also, you can use native modules in Objective-C, Swift, Java or Kotlin, if necessary;
  • Native-like performance.
    React Native renders code components directly to native APIs, ensuring high app performance;
  • Native-like user experience.
    The framework offers a variety of UI components out-of-the-box, including buttons, modules, sliders, etc. This reduces the time needed to develop app UI;
  • Hot reloading.
    This is an extremely useful feature supported by React Native. It allows the injection of new versions to a launched application without losing the state;
  • React Native community.
    When returning to our GitHub statistics, you'll definitely notice that React Native has an impressive community. This means that the developers are willing to share their experience and discoveries when working with the framework, so you can always find an answer to any related question;
  • Pricing.
    This powerful cross-platform framework is a completely open-source project, which means that you can use it and its libraries at no cost.

Disadvantages of React Native

  • Longer development time.
    Write-Once-Run-Anywhere doesn't work for React Native. You will have to create a custom version of each screen for every platform. Yes, it takes more time when compared to Ionic development, but the result is a truly native experience for your customers;
  • Higher investments.
    As React Native development time is longer, you may need to invest extra money in it;
  • Use of native modules.
    React Native allows the use of modules written in native languages to perform difficult computations. This means that developing a complex application may require cooperation with native mobile developers;
  • Android app size.
    The React Native APK size is larger than those developed with native technologies of Java or Kotlin.
                                            Ionic Introduction=>

Ionic is built on top of HTML, CSS, and AngularJS. For over seven years, the team keeps working on Ionic improvement. The latest versions of the framework, Ionic 4 and Ionic 5, allow engineers to employ any of the top JavaScript UI frameworks – let it be Angular, React, or Vue. The framework utilizes Apache Cordova (former PhoneGap) tool to access hardware features like Camera, GPS, Contacts, etc.

The well-known "write once - use everywhere" principle means that software engineers create just one app and can use it on any platform, any device. Ionic allows building hybrid mobile apps, desktop, and Progressive Web Applications.

Startupers themselves, Sperry and Lynch, definitely know how to help startups reach their goals. Ionic allows to cut the development time significantly, roll out the MVP as fast as possible, and validate the app's concept. With up and running MVP, app founders can attract investments just like Sperry and Lynch did. In 2014, the team Ionic raised its first $1 million from venture capital firms.In February 2020, the team announced a new upgraded version – Ionic 5. The release comes with design updates, features for custom animations development, improved colors, and so much more!

Advantages of Ionic

  • Native-styled UI elements
    UI elements available out-of-the-box allow you to build an application that feels native on each platform.
  • Fast development-testing cycle
    It is possible to test code in the browser without requiring heavy emulator loading.
  • Learning curve
    Ionic doesn't have a steep learning curve. Working with it requires the knowledge of Angular, React, or Vue and an understanding of the principles of Apache Cordova.
  • Community
    According to the Ionic website, 4 million Ionic apps have been developed by 5 million developers. Such popularity ensures timely help from colleagues in a special Q&A Ionic forum or a Slack channel.
  • Pricing
    The company offers a free Hobby plan for building apps that look and feel close to native. Also, there's an Ionic Pro plan with extended features for larger teams. The subscription varies between $49 and $120 per month.
  • Disadvantages of Ionic

    • Performance limitations
      Ionic uses web technologies to render applications. Such an approach negatively affects the app's speed and can cause performance issues when using multiple callbacks to native code. Besides, the development of advanced graphics or interactive transitions may be a complicated task. As a result, the performance of Ionic apps is lower when compared to native apps.
    • Possible bugs.
      Developers claim that each new Ionic version has new bugs. You may find some of them migrating to the latest releases, accessing native device features, updating old plugins, etc.



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